To March in the Parade
Who can apply to be in the parade?
Any veterans group, military group, school, religious organization, band, horse group, or youth group can be in the Basilone Parade.
(The parade committee reserves the right to refuse groups who are political or dangerous.).
​I am part of a paid band and would like our band to march
in the Basilone Parade; is this possible?
Yes, but our ability to hire bands is limited. All paid groups will have to go through the committee for approval and will be paid AFTER the parade.
Do I need to register to be in the parade?
We strongly prefer that your group registers (directly from this website) at least a week beforehand.
But if you just show up the day of the parade you can still march. Just come to registration desk and you will be assigned a spot in the parade.
What do I do on the morning of the parade?
Have one member of your organization register with us at
the registration desk at the Raritan Train Station between 8:00 AM and Noon PM am so that we know that your unit has arrived.
You will be directed to your particular staging area (usually just a
block away) to line up for the parade. Parade committee members
have red T-Shirts on.
Can our group do a performance in front of the reviewing stand?
If you get permission in advance from us you may do a 90 second performance.